Custom Printed Bass Drum Head


Upload Your Artwork

Accepted formats: .pdf, .tif, .eps, .jpg, .gif, .png, .ai, .psd, .zip

(max file size 50 MB)

Need an artwork proof?

Please note: Requesting an artwork proof will delay the order process. Bypassing the proof will get your drum head shipped much faster.

Mic Hole Port Location * 

A drum port gives the drum better more attack and enhanced projection. We suggest installing a mic hole port if you play live or where a sound tech would need to mic your drum for recording.

Mic Hole Port Size

If requesting a port hole, please select what size you would like. If you are unsure, 4″ is the most common for drum heads with printed graphics.

Mic Hole Port Protection

Available for 5″, 7″ and 9″ ports. Optional added protection for your mic hole port. Reinforcers are thin plastic rings that install on the back side of your drum head and protect the hole from ripping.