Drums are one of the most respected instruments. Not only are they challenging to play and awesome to watch, but they also have unexpected health benefits.

However, there’s nothing worse than being in the middle of a jam session and finding out that you have an issue with your drums. Well, there is something worse:

You could be in the middle of a show.

It’s not always easy to tell when you need to replace your drum heads, but you need to stay on top of the signs in order to avoid a disaster when you least expect it.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to keep an eye out for.

First, Why Change Them At All?

If you’re only using your drums for practice, it’s not imperative that everything is perfect. If you plan on performing live or playing in front of people in other settings, though, you’ll want your drums to sound how they’re supposed to.

This can only be achieved through proper maintenance. So, it might be time to change your drum heads if…

They Sound Worn

Over time after hours and hours of sessions, your drums are going to lose the tonality that they originally had. Rather than the snap they once had, your drums may begin to sound dull and weak.

If you’ve been using the set since they were new, this will be easy to tell. But, if you purchased them used, it might not be so obvious (especially if you don’t know what to listen for).

One of the easiest ways to tell that your drum heads are getting worn out is that they’re becoming more difficult to tune. This is due to the loss of the quality of their original sound.

They’re Dented

Long-term use (or aggressive drumming) can leave your set riddled with dents. Drums with dents in them may affect the volume and overall sound you get from them. Drum heads with too many dents may eventually become unplayable.

Other ways to avoid denting your drums include ensuring that your sticks tips aren’t damaged or missing and always striking your drums at a proper angle.

It’s Been 6 Months Since You Changed Them Last

Even if you don’t play your drums often, the heads will stretch over time due to the amount of tension they have. This means that the set sitting in your back room is degrading whether you pick up the sticks or not.

You may also find them harder to tune.

So, if it’s been over half a year since you last changed them, it’s time to start looking into new ones if you plan on playing them seriously.

Knowing When to Change your Drum Heads Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about drum heads in mind, you’ll be well on your way to making sure your drums knock like they’re supposed to.

Want to learn more about drums? Make sure to check out the rest of our blog!